How to replace VW Golf MK4 fuel pipes

Suddenly the car needed more fuel and instead of running about 600 km on a full tank of gas it ran about 500. I thought it was because of the winter tires and the cold weathers of December that caused it. Well it usually is.

But one morning I when i got into the car I could smell a little gas and as I drove to work the smell increased considerably so I had to lower the window. As I parked the car after about 10 km the gauge showed me that i lost about 10 liters of gas, my head was spinning because of the fumes and I had a trail of gas on the ground after the car. At the workshop it was clear that it was a hole in one of the two fuel pipes (the one that transports gas to the engine). Over the years it had been laying against some other part in the engine room and slowly a hole had been formed. Exchanged it myself and everything is back to normal.

  • You don’t have to disconnect the battery.
  • Make sure the car is off. Otherwise the fuel pump will pressurize the pipe.
  • Some gasoline that stand in the pipe will leak as you remove the pipe.
  • I used a tool to remove the clamps, they are slightly hart to remove with your fingers.
  • I used a screw driver to push the button to open the bayonet socket.
  • As you start the car, it will resist some. But once started let it run a minute to get the fuel fully flowing through the empty pipe.

Here a trail of gasoline has formed, smelled dangerous.

A trail of gasoline caused by a leaking fuel pipe
A trail of gasoline caused by a leaking fuel pipe

Found the hole on one of the pipes (the pipe here is removed).

The hole in the fuel pipe
The hole in the fuel pipe

The pipe consists of two pipes; in one (white sign) the gas goes to the engine and in the other gas goes back to the tank (blue sign). They are only about 40 cm and just slides on the ports on the engine and are locked in place by hose clips. The other ends has bayonet sockets. Just push the button and slide them on or off.

The new fuel pipe in place
The new fuel pipe in place
Hose clips makes sure the pipe stays in place
Hose clips makes sure the pipe stays in place
Bayonet sockets in the other end
Bayonet sockets in the other end

The one that came from the factory had simpler hose clamps.

Simpler factory hose clamps
Simpler factory hose clamps